Ben Bucci

Ben Bucci started his steel career in the sales department at LeeMar Steel in Cleveland, Ohio, quickly advancing to a leadership position as a sales manager. He joined Willcoff Morris in 1996 as vice president of sales. In 1999, Ben followed his entrepreneurial spirit and moved to Phoenix to co-found GlobeNet Metals, LLC., serving as president for more than 13 years. Under Ben’s leadership, GlobeNet developed and grew relationships in diverse steel consuming sectors throughout the southern USA and Mexico.

After months of testing Flack Steel’s hedging activities, GlobeNet Metals merged with Flack Steel in 2013. Ben’s sales expertise complements Flack Steel’s advanced financial modeling to bring customers and vendors additional value.

Ben graduated from the University of Arizona Business College in 1981. He earned an MBA from the University of Arizona in 1988.


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